We had lots of fun playing in the colourful bubbles and making different coloured mixtures and potions. We used the measuring jug and cups to compare different quantities and to look at the concept of more and less.
In support of World Bee Day, we have been enjoying some lovely activities at nursery this week. We have been focusing on what an important part bees play in our world and how they help to pollinate plants that create the food we eat. Our over 1 year olds really enjoyed putting honey on their yoghurt and fruit to enjoy as a little treat! We also had great fun using a potato masher to create some beautiful bee pictures to take home. 🐝 🍯
We’ve been outside enjoying the beautiful weather! We had fun making a lavender and mint potion in the garden and it smelt wonderful!
Today, we have been having fun exploring and building puzzles. Puzzles are great activities that promote the use of several different skills including spatial awareness, concentration, problem solving, visual perception, and fine motor skills.
Thank you Hazel for the fun music and dance session at nursery this morning. We especially enjoyed playing wind chime sounds and dancing with the rainbow scarves.
This week, we have been learning about the wind and we made some beautiful wind chimes. We enjoyed listening to different wind chime sounds, including bamboo, shells and coconut leaves. We had fun shaking our wind chimes whilst listening to our new poem which we have been learning this week.
The Wind Something that I cannot see, Makes a leaf dance in a tree. Makes my hair fly in my face, Takes my ball for me to chase. Here it is and there it goes… Every time the wind blows! This week, we made some amazing and colourful rainbow scratch pictures. It was great fun exploring the rainbow sand and rice, we enjoyed mixing the colours together and creating different patterns. 🌈
This morning, we have been looking for minibeasts in the garden. We were very excited to find a brown caterpillar, a little snail and a spider.🐛🐌🐞