We enjoyed making banana bread at nursery. The older children had fun following the recipe and weighing the ingredients and the younger children had fun tasting the banana bread! We all took some banana bread home to share with our families. 🍌
This week we have been enjoying some fishing, it was lots of fun catching the fish with the fishing nets and rods. We counted and sorted the different fish into colour groups, and we enjoyed listening to The Rainbow Fish and learning some new rhymes. 🎣🐠
Meet Lilly and Rosie our little cockapoo puppies, the sisters are incredibly gentle and fluffy. We are very pleased to say that both pups have passed their Paws Therapy temperament assessments. They will be completing their dog therapy and early years assisted learning training throughout the summer. Once both puppies have their certification we will then slowly introduce them to the children in the nursery. Moving forward, Lilly and Rosie will be joining some story time sessions, they will be there to offer social and emotional support to children and also support children who have additional needs, including helping to support children’s communication, speech and language development. Pets can provide a connection to nature; and they can help and teach respect for all living things. We will keep you updated how Lilly and Rosie are progressing with their training! A big thank you to Isabella and Millie who are assisting us over the summer with puppy day care and training. We are all very excited. 🐾
To help us keep cool today, we enjoyed making some delicious strawberry crushed ice drinks. It was great fun holding the ice and watching it slowly melt in our hands. The drinks were very refreshing! 🍓🧊
Our sticky jelly dinosaur swamp, which we all enjoyed making at nursery this week. We also enjoyed taking a pot of green jelly home. 🦕
We’ve had a busy and fun week at nursery. All the children enjoyed making Father’s Day cookies, and we enjoyed some lovely stories, which celebrated the special people in our lives that help us. The new ball pool was a huge hit, lots of laughing and fun!
.We had great fun playing with the magic sand, we used the shape cutters and tools to create different shapes and patterns. We then enjoyed mixing the sand together to make different colours.✨
We had lots of fun playing in the colourful bubbles and making different coloured mixtures and potions. We used the measuring jug and cups to compare different quantities and to look at the concept of more and less.