This week, we have been reading, ‘The Rainbow Fish’. The Rainbow Fish is a lovely, heart-warming story of sharing and the happiness that sharing can bring to yourself and others. The children have enjoyed making their own rainbow fish using lots of sparkly materials. We investigated some of the vocabulary in the book and it has been wonderful seeing the children using these words in their play.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful Mummies, Nannies, Aunties, Sisters and all the other special people in our lives who love and care for us everyday! We all had great fun celebrating World Book Day, our theme was Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We all made fruit porridge to take home and we have been enjoying lots of different activities throughout the week.
This week, we have all enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities. We had fun with the construction toys in the sand tray, we built some amazing sandcastles and we decorated them with shells and gems. It was great fun splashing our hands in the blue water, we created lots of bubbles which we put into the measuring cups. We learnt about brushing our teeth and keeping healthy. We also enjoyed some lovely painting activities and theme related stories and rhymes.
We’ve had a fun day playing and learning! Our favourite activity was finding the hidden treasure in the rainbow rice and making rainbow pies!
Everyone was very excited for our music and dance session with Hazel Town this morning. All the children enjoyed playing the musical instruments, including the steel drum and bongos! The children joined in with some fantastic dancing and galloped around the room whilst riding their pretend horses.
Mix a pancake,
Stir a pancake, Pop it in the pan; Fry the pancake, Toss the pancake, Catch it if you can. We are so happy to announce that we had our food hygiene inspection this afternoon and we have maintained our 5 star rating.
Everyone at nursery enjoyed their dance session with Bethany this morning. The children used their imagination to make it snow, they built snowmen and danced with colourful scarves in the pretend snow. They then galloped their horses through the snowy fields wearing bells! The children were brilliant with using their imagination and deciding what coloured bells they wanted to wear.
This week we’ve been wrapping up warm and enjoying the winter sunshine. It was exciting playing outside in the light snow showers, we had fun trying to catch the snowflakes and watching them melt.