We have been enjoying the lovely Spring weather at nursery this week. We had fun planting our sunflower seeds and we are excited to watch them grow! 🌻
Today, we have been enjoying the lovely weather and making the most of our lovely outdoor play areas. We had fun looking at the insects on the bluebells, we counted the bumble bees and we looked for butterflies. We then enjoyed climbing and using the slides, we did lots of running in the garden whilst playing with the soft balls. 🦋🌼🐝
This week, we have been reading, ‘The Rainbow Fish’. The Rainbow Fish is a lovely, heart-warming story of sharing and the happiness that sharing can bring to yourself and others. The children have enjoyed making their own rainbow fish using lots of sparkly materials. We investigated some of the vocabulary in the book and it has been wonderful seeing the children using these words in their play.
This week, we enjoyed making pizzas! We had fun making the pizza dough and we chose our own favourite toppings to go on our little pizzas. 🍕
Thank you so much to Petersfield library for inviting us to make a display for your children’s library. We had so much fun making our colourful butterflies. A big thank you too, to our wonderful families for your support with our nursery display. All the children really enjoyed showing us their butterflies they made at home. Please do visit the library to have a look! 🦋
We had lots of fun this week decorating our Easter tree. We enjoyed doing Easter sponge painting and we used our egg plate for some colour matching activities. We all enjoyed taking an Easter book home.
Thank you so much to Chris and Hazel for inviting us to visit your pond. We all had an amazing time pond dipping, we found lots of tadpoles and other exciting pond life. We enjoyed making a pretend pond at nursery and everyone caught a little duck to take home.
We all had great fun playing in our dinosaur swamp! We found little dinosaurs which we put into pots to take home, along with a special dinosaur bracelet. We made our swamp slime using chia seeds, cornflower and green food dye. Next week at nursery we are making a pretend pond and we are going to try pond dipping using our new little nets!
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful Mummies, Nannies, Aunties, Sisters and all the other special people in our lives who love and care for us everyday! |